About Krista


I am a photographer, photo editor, and instructor represented by National Geographic Creative. I describe myself as “a homebody with a vagabond soul.” Although I currently call my native state of Oregon home, I’m often pulled away by my love of travel. Travel and photography go hand-in-hand for me and I use my lens as a tool for exploring and documenting the world.  I worked as a photo editor at National Geographic Traveler magazine for seven years and had the opportunity to explore places I’d never even visited through the images of exceptionally talented shooters.

Since 2013, I’ve been a freelancer who works primarily with National Geographic on photography, editing, and teaching assignments. You’ll often find me teaching photography as a National Geographic Expert on National Geographic/Lindblad Expedition ships around the world. To join me on a voyage, check the current schedule on my website or on National Geographic Expeditions. I also teach independent and private workshops, both near and far. You can stay in the loop with my teaching as well as my photo tips by visiting my photography blog. To follow my travels, please subscribe to my travel blog.

Visit my photography and photo editing portfolios on my website. I am available for assignments worldwide. If you are interested in licensing an image, drop me an email or search my extensive stock archives on Photoshelter or visit National Geographic Creative. To receive quarterly email updates from me, sign up here.

Thanks for visiting!

National Geographic Creative